Now that you have a brand new acrylic shower, the next question you should be…
Antimicrobial Acrylic Bath and Shower Wall Surfaces
Fall is the perfect time of the year to make improvements on your home. Imagine how exciting it would be to give your bathroom shower a new look that is much easier to keep clean? A bath or shower wall free from the growing blackness due to elements that cause bacteria and mold.
Five Star Bath Solutions offers antimicrobial acrylic bath and shower wall surfaces. It prevents the development of mold and bacteria. Our antimicrobial bath and shower wall surfaces make cleaning the shower easier.
Why Antimicrobial Acrylic Bath and Shower Wall Surfaces?
Having an antimicrobial wall in your bathroom showers is an essential need of today. Life is insanely busy, keeping up with daily shower care is a ridiculous concept in your schedule. And yet, some shower and bath wall surfaces require that kind of attention to keep them looking beautiful. Our antimicrobial acrylic bath and shower walls prevent microbial growth on the surfaces. It ensures that you bathe in a secure and unpolluted environment.
Benefits of Having Antimicrobial Bath and Shower Wall Surfaces
Bathrooms need your full attention, frequently, because we spend an average of around 3 years in bathrooms over our lifespans. For reasons of health it’s important that the environment be as clean as possible. This is not an easy task in a bathroom where there is daily moisture and other opportunities for bacteria to grow. The air and environment in there needs to be kept clean.
So, just pay a little bit of attention to the damage that unclean or unhealthy bathrooms can cause over time. To highlight the benefits of having antimicrobial bath and shower wall surfaces, following are some of the points to consider:
Acrylic Bath Wall Surfaces
Acrylic bath wall surfaces buy you the liberty to be the way you want in your shower. The acrylic bath wall surfaces are not prone to cracking or losing their shine. Moreover, the antimicrobial bath and shower wall surfaces are so designed that they will prevent the production of all sorts of microbes.
Preventing Growth of Bathroom Bacteria
The growth of bacteria is a given in a moist environment, growing both indoors and outdoors. In bathrooms, they are mostly found on shower walls, as that is the moistest area in a bathroom. Antimicrobial acrylic bath and shower wall surfaces eliminate all chances of bacterial life in your showers.
Creating Obstacles for Mold Growth
Mold growth is prone to four conditions: mold food, moisture quantity, temperature, and mold spores. Put a stop to any one of the above conditions and the growth of mold will automatically cease. It’s almost impossible to get rid of dampness on shower and bath walls. This is where antimicrobial acrylic bath and shower wall surfaces will solve your problems.
Protecting Shower Area Life from Deterioration
The growth of microorganisms poses a direct threat to the lifespan of some bath wall surfaces. What happens is that the presence of small holes makes for effective breeding grounds for more microorganisms to develop once the growth of mold begins. Continuous growth will ultimately deteriorate the surface, giving your shower a dirty look. Moreover, the deteriorated surface may cause dampness on the walls adjacent to the bath wall surface. That is how leaky shower issues often begin.
Bath and Shower Wall Surfaces
Tiles are an aesthetically appealing choice until the mold and mildew takes hold in the grout because of its porous texture. Once it has a chance to establish a colony it can quickly damage and deteriorate the grout in your tiled shower surface leaving gross stains that can only be removed by replacing the grout.
There are a variety of colors and patterns available for our antimicrobial acrylic bath and shower wall surfaces. These options will give you all the beauty of natural stone or tile without the complicated care requirements of stone and tile.
At Five Star Bath Solutions we know how important it is that your bathroom is both beautiful and functional. We help you choose the best and most beautiful solutions for your bathroom design needs and go above and beyond to give you the high quality service you expect. We have many locations to serve you. Request your free estimate today!